Friendship Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I was overwhelmed by kindness and concern and cried over ever letter. (2.76)

Piper asks her friends to write letters about how awesome and amazing she is, and they do. It's like they're in middle school all over again, except instead of the threat of detention, the threat of eighteen months in federal prison is on the line.

Quote #2

"Call me if you run into trouble. And don't make any friends." (2.90)

This is Piper's lawyer's advice when she goes into prison. Of course, he hasn't been to prison, and going against this advice is what keeps Piper sane.

Quote #3

Maybe, just a little, I was starting to fit in. (6.82)

Even in prison, it's important to find a way to fit in. No one does well if they're isolated.