Race Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[My family and friends] doubted that a "nice blond lady" like me could ever end up in prison. (2.47)

What they aren't saying here, but what they really mean, is that they doubt a "nice blond white lady" could ever end up in prison. They were wrong about Piper, and they were wrong about Martha Stewart. Well, except for the "nice" part when it comes to Martha. #sorrynotsorry

Quote #2

When a new person arrived, their tribe—white, black, Latino, or the few and far between "others"—would immediately make note of their situation, get them settled, and steer them through their arrival. (3.189)

It seems that people stick to "their own" when in prison. They have to find some way to make friends. It's not like you can get to know people by their interests while in the pen—no one is bonding over drinking wine, painting, or playing Mario Kart.

Quote #3

If you fell into that "other" category—Native American, Asian, Middle Eastern—then you got a patchwork welcome committee of the kindest and most compassionate women from the dominate tribes. (3.189)

It's nice that even if you fall into the most minority of minorities in prison, you can still find a support group.