Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We now lock up one out of every hundred adults, far more than any other country in the world. (2.50)

This is a startling statistic. Do this many people deserve to have their freedoms taken away? Why or why not?

Quote #2

One of the good things about living in B Dorm was that you had your choice of two bathrooms. (5.66)

You know your freedoms are limited when you get excited about having two bathrooms to choose from, both of which are probably a few rungs down the ladder from your average port-a-potty.

Quote #3

Prison is all about waiting in line. (5.74)

That's prison for you. It's like Disney World with all of the lines and none of the rides. What do you think—are lines symbolic of something bigger?