Speak Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I want to kill him. (56.12)

Andy seems to consider being a violent predator a full-time job. Melinda is starting to feel more than fear and disgust of Andy. She's starting to feel like returning his violence.

Quote #8

I'm definitely back at Rachel's, crimping my hair and gluing on fake nails, and he smells like beer and mean and he hurts me hurts me hurts me and gets up

and zips his jeans

and smiles. (63.15-17)

This is Melinda remembering how she felt as she was raped. Very violent stuff. Melinda remembers these details after turning down pizza with David Petrakis and his parents, because she's afraid he'll try to hurt her. Why does David's invitation push Melinda to remember?

Quote #9

I reach in and wrap my fingers around a triangle of glass. I hold it to Andy Evans neck. […] I push just hard enough to raise one drop of blood. […] I want to insert the glass all the way through his throat. I want to hear him scream. (87.20)

Melinda uses violence to defend herself. This is a scary but empowering experience for her.