Surrender Chapter 1 Summary


  • On his deathbed, Gabriel thinks about his life. Now it's boiled down to being cleaned and gossiped about—everyone talks about him like he's not there, like he can't hear what they're saying.
  • We're not sure what he's dying of yet, but we know it's not pretty; he tells us he gets "cleaned" a couple times a week.
  • At least he's in his childhood home with family around him. His aunt takes care of him every day and helps him manage. He knows he's not easy to deal with, so he really appreciates it.
  • Gabriel tells us that he's a "martyr's age" (whatever that means) and is twenty years old. We're pretty sure this is foreshadowing, but we're not sure to what yet.
  • He tells us that he lives in a small town, where everyone knows everyone's business.
  • Just then, he hears people chatting—they say something about something being found.