Things Not Seen Chapter 19 Summary

General Bobby

  • Bobby doesn't sleep well that night because he keeps thinking about his electric blanket. And then he gets an idea: Maybe he should check out the records of other people who used the same blanket and found that it was faulty.
  • He finds that his blanket was sold by Sears, Roebuck and Company, and decides to call the headquarters to report that his blanket is acting strange. The customer service representative won't tell him how many people have returned that exact product, though.
  • After this, he calls Alicia to tell her that he found out that there is something wrong with that model of blanket if it's recommended that people with pacemakers not use them; he wants to find the names and numbers of the people who returned it.
  • Alicia tells him that he needs to get to the legal department for that kind of information. Alicia calls them to say that she's doing a product liability inquiry, and reports back that the legal department sounded extremely serious about it and just shut her down.
  • That's when Bobby asks Alicia for a huge favor: He needs her to break into Sears' legal department with him.
  • To his surprise, she agrees to meet up with him so that they can go live out their own version of Ocean's Eleven.