Things Not Seen Chapter 6 Summary

Visiting Hours

  • Bobby bundles up again and takes a cab to the hospital. When he gets there, he asks to see Emily Phillips, but they tell him that visiting hours are over.
  • He ducks into an empty room and takes off all of his clothes. Again. This guy's like Superman when it comes to costume changes.
  • By wandering around and looking at paperwork, he figures out that his mom is in room 5067. He slips inside to see that his mom looks pretty beat up, and then he goes to her and gently tells her that he is there.
  • His mom tells him that she's more worried about him than anything, and that they didn't mean to leave him all at home today. Just then, a doctor walks in and Bobby has to scoot under the bed so that he's out of the way.
  • The doctor tells his mom that Bobby's dad just went through surgery. His mom tells the doctor that Bobby is staying with Aunt Ethel and that no one needs to check-up on him anymore.
  • Bobby wants to go see his dad, but his mom tells him that he's not in any shape for company. Then she gives him sixty bucks—all the cash that she has—so that he can get home.
  • As he leaves, she thanks him for coming and tells him to be safe. He's going to have to take care of himself for the next few days.