Things Not Seen Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

So I look at them sitting there and I say, "I'll be up in my room. I've got to figure out what to do."

And it's true. I've got to figure it out. Because this, what's happening right now, this is about me. (1.82-83)

Moping and watching television all day isn't going to solve anything, and Bobby knows that. Instead of hanging around and talking to his parents, he decides that it's time for him to go and think about how to reverse his situation.

Quote #2

Part of me wants to give up, go home. When that doctor called, she said they were fine. But doctors always say that. People die in hospitals, even after the doctors tell you they're "fine." This thought gives me a chill that settles in the pit of my stomach. (6.12)

It's pretty risky to visit his parents in the hospital, but Bobby does it anyway. Sure, he's scared that he'll get caught or won't be able to catch a cab back home, but it doesn't matter because he has to carry out his duty as their only son.

Quote #3

It's about 65 degrees, so it feels like when the air conditioner is up on high. I can bear it, so I'm going for a walk. Today. Right now. In the sunshine. Because I can. Because I want to. Because I'm not going to just sit around and wait for stuff to happen anymore. I'm still me, and I have a life. It's a weird life, but it's still mine. (8.41)

Calling his life "weird" is possibly the understatement of the century. But despite the weirdness of his situation, Bobby still feels like he's got to take ownership of his own life. And to start with, he should be able to go outside… even if that means being naked on the streets of Chicago.