Things Not Seen Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And what's happening means that suddenly my life is completely off track. It's like a train wreck, and I'm pinned down, trapped. And it's starting to feel like this is permanent. What if I never change back to the way I was? What then? (8.34)

What's Bobby supposed to do with his life now that he's invisible? It's not like he can go to school or apply for a job if no one can see him. And forget making friends—he'll constantly be the freak in any social group.

Quote #2

"Exactly! And that's the part you and Dad still don't get: it's my life! And if I want to talk to someone and trust someone, then I'm going to, no matter what you think. It's my decision, not yours!" (13.16)

Bobby's life may be pretty limited now, but that doesn't mean that all his decisions should be taken away from him. His parents act like they can just step in and control his life, but he's not going to let that happen.

Quote #3

"It was like I became invisible. I could see myself, I couldn't see me going to dances or college or grad school, couldn't see myself becoming an archaeologists. I was never going to get to see the pyramids or the Valley of the Kings. And I couldn't even see getting married or having kids, or anything I used to wish about. Everything just disappeared." (13.44)

When Alicia went blind, it was as though her whole life and future was taken away from her. All the dreams that she took for granted were suddenly gone, so now she has to make new dreams for herself, with her disability in mind.