Dissatisfaction Quotes in We Need to Talk About Kevin

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Whatever you call it, I don't feel joyful. And Kevin doesn't seem joyful either." (10.55)

Eva has no idea at this point that Kevin never will be joyful. He seems to completely lack that emotion—and it just never comes.

Quote #5

"Mummy's life sucks now, doesn't Mummy's life suck?" (10.107)

This is a bit of dark humor here as Eva talks about her depression with baby Kevin. Do you think he understands her? Could the way she talks to him affect his behavior?

Quote #6

So I returned to what [Kevin] didn't like, a subject that would soon prove inexhaustible. (11.24)

Kevin's first words are "I don like dat," and from there, it's an endless list of what Kevin doesn't like. Eva isn't exaggerating here. This list lasts pretty much until the end of the book. Kevin likes nothing. Except maybe himself. But even that's a stretch; it's more like he'd like to like himself.