How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I walked out, and on my way, I told every Cop I saw to go fuck himself. Lilly laughs. (3.1.261-3.1.262)
It's nice that James has found someone who finds his juvenile anti-authority antics humorous. Maybe these two really were made for each other.
Quote #8
The only thing that was bulls*** was the narc charge, and that was bulls*** because I intended to use it, not distribute it. (3.2.134)
Even after listing ten criminal charges, James feels the need to defend himself against one of the charges. Does he think this protects his integrity or something? He's sold drugs plenty of times before, so it's not like this is something that would slander his good name.
Quote #9
I'll plead guilty, but for now, tell them I'll keep running unless I get some placement other than placement on a Maximum Security Block. (3.3.120)
James finally has to face all the charges he's racked up over the years. We think he gets off easy. His willingness to plead guilty to the charges in Ohio doesn't really feel all that brave when you consider that the other states that have charged him are willing to forgive him.