How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
We were a Family, a happy Family, and we stayed that way until I stopped showing up. (1.8.271)
James seems to be taking responsibility for all the trouble he's caused his family, but does it matter if he feels guilty if he doesn't apologize to them for everything he's done? What would an apology mean to his family?
Quote #5
This is my Brother, my Blood, the only thing in this World created from that which I was created from, the Person in this World who knows me best, the Person who would miss me most if I was gone. (2.1.424)
We're glad that James realizes that his brother is probably the best friend he has. James actually likes his brother. So what's up with his hatred for his parents? Why does he feel so differently about them? Is it because they tried to control him? Did they try to control him? Do they represent something else for him?
Quote #6
Live. (2.2.362-2.2.369)
Is it significant that Mom, Dad, and Brother are between Cry and Fight? It seems James often fights a lot when Mom and Dad are present, and Mom and Dad do a lot of crying. Or is it the other way around? What do you make of these connections?