How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Were I in my normal frame of mind, I would stand up, point my finger, scream Fraud, and chase this Chump M*********** down and give him a beating. (2.3.373)
Lies make James really angry. He should be glad that Oprah didn't feel the same way about him, or he might have been beaten to death in the parking lot by a mob of angry housewives.
Quote #5
The truth is all that matters. This is f***ing heresy. (2.3.377)
It would be irresponsible of us to suggest a Million Little Pieces drinking game, but seriously, if you took a drink every time James talked about the paramount important of the truth, you'd need to go to rehab yourself before the book was over. Why is he is so insistent about the truth?
Quote #6
They ring true and that is all that matters the truth. (2.3.388)
Take another drink! (Not really.) James says this after reading four poems in the Tao Te Ching. A few years later, Frey was more into the idea that truth is subjective, but here, he kind of seems to be labeling his own beliefs "the truth."