Bartholomew and the Oobleck Images

How It All Goes Down

Is There Something on My Torso?
The King missed the memo about purple being the royal color. Green goop does not equal purple velvet.

Confused Magicians Haven't Seen the Light in Years
Oh boy, here come the magicians, shuffle-dufflin' up those impossibly long stairs. Now there's no coming back.

Having Seen the Light, Confused Magicians Neglect Duties, Play Thumb War
Maybe they're howling out chants or brewing something up, but those magicians sure are having a whale of a time over that potion of theirs.

King Gets Self Into Sticky Situation (sorry, we had to)
He's really done it now! Oobleck's pulling at the King's mustache and clothes and every little bit of him you can imagine. This can't be good.

Nice Oobleck Hat!
Oobleck is the new pink. The King is just about drowning in his own ego.