Bartholomew and the Oobleck Paragraphs 128-135 Summary

The End 

  • Finally—finally—Bartholomew has managed to get through that stubborn King's thick skull.
  • Right after the long-awaited apology, the oobleck stops falling and everything goes back to normal. And the King realizes that rain, sun, fog, and snow are actually pretty nifty.
  • There is great rejoicing in the land, of course. But you know what? Both the King and the kingdom now seem remarkably humble. Notice how Dr. Seuss calls him the "old King" now, and how the oobleck simply melts away. This is certainly not the end of a Michael Bay action movie, with a chain of explosions to usher us into the credits.
  • Instead, we're moving back to the way things were—the way things should be. Seuss draws the perspective back a notch, returning to old folklore phrases like, "They say as soon as the old King spoke them…"
  • As we return to what really matters, we learn two lessons: one through the King, and one through Bartholomew:
    1. The power of self-reflection and apology.
    2. The power of standing up to someone who can't reflect on their actions or apologize by telling them to self-reflect and apologize.
  • And so, with those lessons learned, we can go quietly into the night. Um, oobleck.