How It All Goes Down
Pressia (Rustling)
- Pressia's made it to the woods near the Dome, but she keeps hearing rustling.
- She hopes it's a bunny.
- Really? A bunny? She's losing her mind.
- But it's better than a bunny: it's Bradwell.
- Bradwell lets out a long speech; he talks about how he isn't who he once was now that he has massive wings.
- He also asks her how long she plans to be in the Dome. She guesses it'll take three days.
- Then they kiss. Aww.
- Prepare yourself for what happens next.
- Bradwell asks Pressia to marry him right then and there.
- Power Move.
- But hey, why not? Pressia agrees. Now she's a wife. Yay.
- Bradwell flutters off, wings and all, and then a blade zings past Pressia, sticking to a tree.
- She realizes that the mothers are out there, so she surrenders herself.
- Oh man: we had forgotten about the mothers.