How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
This isn't his life. Power—he has all this supposed power, and yet he's powerless. (30.46)
Finally, Partridge has all the power in the world. He's the president of the Dome — but, he really isn't powerful at all. So what does that make him? Partridge feels like nothing right now. He's just a kid being pushed around by his dead father.
Quote #8
"It's just a doll."
"It's part of you, isn't it?" the mother with the white hair says. "It defines you completely, and then again it doesn't define you at all—like motherhood." (33.38)
Pressia wants that doll hand to disappear so badly. But the doll hand is a part of her. We repeat: without the doll hand, Pressia isn't Pressia.
Quote #9
He was so sure of himself at that mic telling the truth, and now he's drowning in doubt. (37.58)
Have you ever been deep in the middle of an argument, only to realize that you're wrong? Yep, Partridge sort of feels like that. Except this argument is so big that he doesn't even feel like Partridge anymore.