How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Hastings and Bradwell are wondering what the hell happened to everything they once knew to be true. (21.21)
Sometimes it's not your fault for having an identity crisis; at this moment in the book, Bradwell and Hastings look back at the people they used to be. Now that they realize that those people are gone, they start to question who they are.
Quote #5
"I was good," Helmud says, as if that sums it up. Once, long ago, before the Detonations, they were all good. (21.24)
Before the Detonations, everyone was good — even El Capitan. So as you can imagine, El Capitan wishes he could go back to the way it was, back when he wasn't a hated killer.
Quote #6
She feels older now. The dead trees, like monuments to the destruction, stand out to her as individual. Each has suffered its own. Each has been stunned into being something it never was intended to be. (22.5)
Here Pressia actually starts to show signs of a strengthened identity. She feels older, wiser, and sees the individuality of everything now. Seeing each tree as individual is a sign of her coming of age.