How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
He imagines himself as light—not just without the weight of his brother but without the weight of his life (8.8)
El Capitan suffers throughout his whole life after the Detonations — sure, he has Helmud on his back. But he also suffers from the guilt of killing so many people in the past.
Quote #5
"My daughters died first. My wife died of despair."
"We know despair," Pressia says. (8.61)
Huh. That's not depressing or anything.
Quote #6
Partridge has seen too many people die—his brother, his mother. Their deaths flash in front of his eyes—bright with blood. (10.33)
Partridge is a victim of extreme trauma, and this trauma leads to extreme suffering. Yes, he's a Pure, so he's not suffering from the Detonations… but his emotional suffering is immense.