Code Talker Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I returned to Fort Defiance alone. I forced myself to go, pushing the dread I felt to the back of my mind. I wanted to make my family proud. (8.45-46)

Chester hates his school at Fort Defiance. How could he not when there are all those scary matrons beating all the little kids? But his biggest motivation in going back to school is his family; he wants to make them proud. His decision to join the Marines later is also partly motivated by his desire to make his family proud.

Quote #5

When my time at home had passed the half-year mark, I finally broke down and told my sister Dora about these unwelcome visitors. Then I told Father, Grandmother, and Grandfather […] My family agreed that if things continued as they were, the Japanese would eventually take me away. I needed a ceremony. They would put up an Enemy Way. (17.34)

Chester's having trouble dealing with all of the horrible things he's seen during the war. But his family's there to support him. We see the way in which Chester's family is so important in helping him overcome the trauma of the war.

Quote #6

With the children all in school, [Ethel] started to work outside the home […] Sometimes she partied with the people she met at work. She and I began to pull away from each other. (21.21)

While family's a big source of joy for Chester, it's also a source of heartbreak. It's not all fun and good times when he and his wife grow apart and then decide to get a divorce.