Code Talker Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Although I worked, I made sure to spend lots of time with my children and their friends […] On weekends, the children and I played football and baseball out on the street. I never tired of their company. (21.26)

Chester's big on family, as we can see from the fact that he loves to spend time with his children. Being a Marine is one big part of his identity. Being a family man is the other.

Quote #8

The judge allowed me to keep my four boys. They were good kids. We divided up all the chores, and everyone did his part. I was happy to have them with me. (21.35)

What a dude: after he gets a divorce from Ethel, it's Chester who takes on the responsibility of raising his sons. Is this guy committed to his family or what?

Quote #9

[J]ust days before his death, Stanley had talked with me about the picture. "You'll have to finish this drawing for me," he said.

The drawing was never finished. For a long time after Stanley died, I couldn't make myself care about life. (21.13-14)

This is one of the big tragedies of Chester's family life: the death of his son Stanley. Chester's sense of loss after Stanley's death suggests just how attached he is to his family.