The Confidence-Man Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Confidence-Man? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What happens to the country merchant's business card?

Guinea tucks it under him.
The mute nabs it.
The country merchant picks it back up after dropping it.
A runaway seagull eats it.
Q. What happens to Charlie's goodwill?

His heart shrivels up over the course of the novel.
He hides his ill will under goodwill—but poorly.
It's having a sale.
Grinch-style, his heart grows three times bigger.
Q. What happens to Pitch's skepticism?

It stays strong.
It crumbles.
It goes for a walk.
It wavers just long enough for him to be had.
Q. What happens to the barber's "No Trust" sign?

He puts it back up after taking it down.
He follows Frank's advice to take it down for good.
Wouldn't you like to know.
Q. What happens to Charlie's wine?

He drinks all of it.
Frank drinks most of it.
It spills.
Egbert drinks it all.