How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
With Nick, however, Colin had the freedom to be his true self. Nick […] was […] the only one who was there during what they both referred to as "the war years." For beneath the wide grin and the charismatic personality, Colin struggled with a severe anxiety disorder and crippling depression, and Nick was one of the few people allowed to witness this side of him. (1.17.10)
Colin and Nick's friendship isn't just ooey gooey bro-y stuff. It is revealed that Nick truly is there for Colin when it counts and keeps his buddy safe from scrutiny.
Quote #5
To anyone else, this would have been an intolerable situation, but Nick was so used to this by now, he almost didn't recall a time when Colin wasn't swinging between the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. This was just a prerequisite of being Colin's best friend. (1.17.10)
There's a selflessness to Nick and Colin's friendship: it's not always going to be fun, but that's not the point. The point is being there for each other.
Quote #6
"I saw the way you shoved him into the ditch. You could have really hurt him. Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" the boy replied calmly, not the least intimidated by Bernard. (2.9.78)
This is the pivotal moment when Colin first came to Nick's rescue, getting that awful Bernard Tai to stop beating up on Nick. And the rest was Rambo history.