How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"[…] these rich Asians are so secretive about their holdings. The richest families are always richer by billions than what Forbes estimates." (1.18.14)
Peik Lin's insight serves to remind us that there are sneaky billionaires walking among the pages of the books. And not just a little billionaire. A kabillionaire.
Quote #5
Twice a year […] she would notice that her personal accounts always increased in value, sometimes to an absurd degree, no matter how many couture dresses she had splurged on the previous season. (2.1.29)
We catch glimpses of Astrid's expensive taste and couture hoarding habits. What shocks us (and Astrid) is that is essentially has a negligible effect on her bottom line! We can't even say that after a trip to the grocery every week.
Quote #6
"But it was quite a master-stroke, because it strategically bound together the T'siens, the Shangs, and the Youngs […] For the money, of course. It joined together three family fortunes and kept everything neatly locked up." (2.1.130-2.2.132)
Not only is the wealth important, but apparently keeping it tied within already vetted members of the family keeps the fortunes from being dispersed across too many people?