The Crystal Cave Book Four, Chapter 3 Summary

  • Cadal wasn't kidding: the young girl at the gates of the nunnery is pretty sweet. Merlin's taken with her eyes and shapely feet (hey, that's all he can see under the nun's outfit).
  • Mom doesn't look very well to Merlin, but he feels it's time to tell her his whole story. She's really happy that Ambrosius has acknowledged Merlin as his son.
  • Merlin looks out the window and sees the pretty girl. Their eyes meet. Fireworks fly. Merlin feels Cupid's arrows in his heart.
  • Merlin tells his mom that Dinias took him in and kept him off the streets of Maridunum the night before. She nearly passes out with surprise.
  • Niniane asks Merlin if Ambrosius is really strong enough to win. Merlin answers in typical teenage fashion: I said so, so it must be true.
  • And in typical mom fashion, Niniane is not pleased. She tells him not to be an arrogant jerk. She hopes that he understands his powers come from God (with a capital "G").
  • Merlin tells Niniane that the god (lowercase "g") has spoken through him, so she can chill. He's not being arrogant.
  • The point is that Ambrosius' victory is written in the heavens. No one can do anything to stop him.
  • Niniane is cool with that. But she takes a parting shot at Merlin: there's only one God (capital "G"). Merlin has no desire to fight with her. Besides, he kind of thinks she's right.
  • When Merlin goes back in the morning to visit his mom, the beautiful girl is there. And she still excites him.
  • Merlin learns from his mom that the girl is called Keridwen, and her mother used to work at the palace.
  • Flashback: young Merlin had once asked Niniane if the newly returned Camlach would marry Keridwen. Is this the same girl? Or did the mom have the same name? We're not told.
  • Merlin sees Keridwen again a couple of days later, and she addresses him as "my lord." Merlin's blown away.
  • Somehow, though, Merlin knows that Keridwen is off limits. No supernatural messages needed.
  • Niniane gets better, and Merlin brings her the news that Vortigern's dead. There's still Hengist and some others to worry about, though.
  • Merlin is off to join Ambrosius, and he asks Niniane if she has a message for him. She tells Merlin that she'll speak to him herself when she sees him.
  • On his way out, Merlin sees Keridwen. She has a toothache and wants him to heal her. Specifically, she wants him to touch her. She puts his hand on her face.
  • How does Merlin respond to this come on? He tells Keridwen that she should have her tooth ripped out. But Keridwen says she feels better already. Hmmm.
  • Merlin's in quite a state when Keridwen kisses his hand to thank him. We're not sure he's really ready for battle now.