Daughter of Smoke & Bone Chapter 48 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • Okay, now we're finally at the beginning of Madrigal and Akiva's story.
  • Madgrial's stressed because there's a big ball coming up and she knows that Thiago has his wolfy little eyes on her.
  • Why? Because she's "pure." We're not sure if this is in the virgin sense or with respect to something supernatural yet.
  • Even though Thiago is a grade-A hunk of wolfman meat, Madrigal is just not that into him.
  • Madrigal's sister, Chiro, tries to talk her into going with Thiago anyway.
  • After all, if she gets hitched to Thiago, she won't have to be a soldier anymore.
  • Chiro, she doesn't like being a soldier. She's already died. Like Buffy.
  • We're not sure exactly how this dead-but-not-really-dead thing works yet either.
  • We accept all the confusion and keep forging onward.