How It All Goes Down
- Karou walks across town to an unmarked metal door. A door to what, you ask?
- If you opened it from without, it revealed only a mildewed laundry room. […] When the door was opened from within, it had the potential to lead someplace quite different. (5.7)
- After Karou knocks on the door, someone inside opens it. The door opener turns out to be Issa, the snake woman, who looks just like she does in Karou's sketchbooks.
- Issa lets Karou in and takes her to see Brimstone, the Wishmonger.
- Brimstone's doing what he's normally doing: stringing teeth and gems into a necklace. Does he have an etsy shop? Because we'd like to make some wishes of our own.
- Brimstone criticizes Karou for wasting her scuppies on frivolous wishes, like making her ex-boyfriend's buttcrack itch.
- If you're wondering what Brimstone looks like, here you go: head of a ram, eyes of crocodiles, big horns, human torso covered in scars, furry legs, and dragon feet. Hot.
- This type of creature is called a chimaera.
- Also, Karou makes a point of noting the wishbone around his neck.
- Finally, Brimstone gives Karou a case packed with euros and sends her to Paris.
- Um, where do we apply for this job?