Death in the Woods Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

His father, Jon Grimes, had owned a sawmill when the country was new, and had made money. Then he got to drinking and running after women (1.7)

Like father, like son. Here, we see how poverty can be cyclical: Jake's only example for being a man is his father, who wasted his money time and time again. Is it any surprise that Jake ends up doing the same?

Quote #5

There were very few orphan homes then. They were legally bound into some home. It was a matter of pure luck how it came out (1.14)

In the period depicted, orphans are given zero opportunities. Instead, they're forced to become servants and work their butts off with no hope for reward. That's a tough hand to be dealt.

Quote #6

He went into debt for a threshing outfit and ran it for several years, but it did not pay. People did not trust him (2.5)

Jake tried to straighten his life out at one point, but failed. Does this make you sympathize with him more? Less? Or do you still resent him for taking his anger out on his poor wife?