Death in the Woods Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

They were going to trade horses, get a little money if they could. They might come home drunk. It would be well to have something in the house when they came back (3.1)

Question: do they come home drunk to celebrate a good deal or to drown the sorrows of a bad one? Regardless, Mrs. Grimes is once again asked to sacrifice her own well-being to keep her family relatively sane.

Quote #11

The butcher in town, having been suddenly overcome with a feeling of pity, had loaded her grain bag heavily. (3.19)

At least someone can empathize with the poor woman. We can't help but wonder, however, whether this heavy pack contributed to Mrs. Grimes' demise. Was it too heavy for her to carry? Had she become so used to poverty that she couldn't handle an abundance of goods?