Death in the Woods Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She had a few chickens of her own and had to kill one of them in a hurry. When they were all killed she wouldn't have any eggs to sell when she went to town, and then what would she do? (2.5)

This sums things up rather nicely. The Grimes family is stuck in a vicious cycle, forced to do desperate things to survive. But what happens when they inevitably having nothing left?

Quote #8

If there wasn't anything to eat in the house when they came home the old man gave his old woman a cut over the head (2.5)

We're not going to pretend that Jake would've been the nicest guy on the planet if he had some extra cash, but he'd probably be less inclined to stick a freakin' blade in his wife's head.

Quote #9

When it was Winter she had to gather sticks of wood for her fire, had to try to keep the stock fed with very little grain (2.9)

Can you imagine having to get through a brutal Midwestern Winter like this? The fact that she can only find "sticks" emphasizes how rough of a situation she finds herself in.