Eleanor & Park Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I know what you're up to," he said, raising his voice, just as the door closed. "Nothing but a b**** in heat."

Eleanor let his words hit her full-on. Took them right in the chin. (14.106-107)

Richie says terrifying things, and Eleanor just takes them. We're picturing her here as some sort of knight with a big shield, deflecting fire from a dragon.

Quote #5

"No," she said firmly, squeezing her hands into fists, "this is exactly the sort of thing I shouldn't take seriously […] If they think they're getting to me? They'll never leave me alone." (30.77)

Eleanor knows things will get much worse if she shows emotion in front of the bullies at school, but it still takes a lot of bravery to be as stoic as she is.

Quote #6

"If I ever hear you call her that again, I'll kill you. I'll literally kill you. I'll go to jail for the rest of my life, and it'll break Mom's heart, but I will. Kill. You." (19.100)

So here's Park, reacting to Josh calling Eleanor one of the nicknames the bullies use at school. Even though it's not the easiest thing for Park to admit that Eleanor is his girlfriend, once he admits it, he's ready to defend her to the death. Although we kind of doubt he'd really kill his own brother, it's a noble sentiment.