Eleanor & Park Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She went up to the hall closet, found three brand-new toothbrushes, and shoved them into the front of her pants, along with a bar of Dove soap. Donna might have seen her […] but she didn't say anything.

Eleanor felt sorry for Donna. Her dad never laughed at anyone's jokes but his own. (20.4-5)

So here's Eleanor, out of her own house for the first time in a long time, and what does she do? She steals toothbrushes for her siblings. And while she's doing it, she can only think of how sorry she is for her dad's new wife. This is one part courage, and one part total selflessness.

Quote #8

"I'm ending this."

"No. Come on. It's not worth it."

"You are," he said fiercely, looking at her. "You're worth it." (22.46-48)

Here's Park, once again in the role of Eleanor's knight in armor—not that she really wants a knight in armor. But Park's ready to defend her against anyone and anything, no matter what. (And he might be a little bit motivated to stop the bullying because it would make his own life easier, too.)

Quote #9

Park lifted his head. His whole face was covered with blood. He staggered forward and the assistant principal caught him. "Leave… my girlfriend… alone." (22.70)

Kicking the king of the popular crowd in the face? Calling social outcast Eleanor your girlfriend in front of most of the school? Yeah, we'd call that pretty brave.