Eleanor & Park Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

His mom was a beautician who sold Avon. She never left the house without touching up her mascara. When Patti Smith was on Saturday Night Live, his mom had gotten upset—"Why she want to look like man? It's so sad."

Eleanor, today, was wearing her sharkskin suit jacket and an old plaid cowboy shirt. She had more in common with his grandpa than his mom. (21.28-29)

Park's mom loves traditional "girly" beauty so much that she can't even imagine why a woman would want to look any different. No wonder she has such a hard time understanding Eleanor at first.

Quote #5

Park didn't know if Eleanor even had any girls' clothes—and he didn't care. He kind of liked that she didn't. Maybe that was another gay thing about him, but he didn't think so, because Eleanor wouldn't look like a guy even if you cut off her hair and gave her a mustache. All the men's clothes she wore just called attention to how much of a girl she was. (27.30)

So maybe Eleanor wears men's clothing because she wants to look different… Maybe she just feels more comfortable… Or maybe she doesn't want anyone to think of her as a girl. Whatever the reason, Park thinks there's no way not to notice Eleanor's femininity. What do you think Eleanor would say to that?

Quote #6

"But I don't wear makeup."

"Why not?"

Maybe Eleanor should say that she wasn't allowed to. That would sound nicer than, because makeup is a lie. (35.72-74)

Eleanor thinks makeup is "a lie" when she wears it, but she just loves it on Park. Why? And why does she think it's a lie, anyway?