Eleanor & Park Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Park," she said, "do you… want to look like girl? Is that what this about? Eleanor dress like boy. You look like girl?"

"No…" Park said. "I just like it. I like the way it feels."

"Like girl?"

"No," he said. "Like myself." (36.11-14)

A really important thought, here, from Park: He doesn't wear makeup because he wants to feel like a girl; he just likes wearing it, no strings attached. But by doing that, Park's taking the idea of makeup and challenging whether it's just for girls, or not.

Quote #8

Park wondered if it was just the eyeliner that had done it—or if the eyeliner had been the pencil that broke the camel's back. Like Park had spent sixteen years acting weak and weird and girlie, and his dad had borne it on his massive shoulders. And then one day, Park put on makeup, and that was it, his dad just shrugged him off. (38.56)

Was the eyeliner the final straw for Park's dad? We don't think so, but we do think Park's onto something here. Seeing a visual reminder of Park's differences was probably difficult for Jamie.

Quote #9

"Well, I'm not the Princess Leia," he said.

"Don't get so hung up on gender roles," Eleanor said. (42.63-64)

Park, you are so the Princess Leia. But don't worry, she has all the funniest lines.