Eleanor & Park Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Her mom kept squeezing Eleanor's hand… Eleanor had pretended not to notice the bruises on her mom's wrist. (6.37)

Eleanor notices visible evidence of her mom's abuse throughout the story, but she never says anything to her mom. Even though Eleanor can always hear her mom screaming and crying at night, this is one topic they never address.

Quote #5

When it was worse than bedsprings, when it was shouting or crying, they'd huddle together, all five of them, on Eleanor's bed. (6.48)

Eleanor describes many scenes where she comforts her younger siblings at night when they hear Richie abuse Sabrina. What's most upsetting about this situation, perhaps, is that the little kids can hear everything that's going on, whether it's bedsprings or shouting.

Quote #6

She usually took her bath right after school, before Richie got home. It took a lot of the stress out of not having a bathroom door, especially since somebody'd torn down the sheet. (7.14)

Eleanor spends a lot of time thinking about how to take baths at home. She never explicitly explains why she can't bathe with Richie around, but we can take a guess; her mom seems to understand that Eleanor can't bathe with Richie there either. Hmm, we wonder who took down the bathroom door—and then the sheet that replaced it?