Eleanor & Park Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Now, all she could think about was what they were going to do if the baby actually started to cry. Thank God he didn't. Even he seemed to realize that trying to make this stop would only ever make it worse. (10.19)

Here's the reason Eleanor's siblings always listen to Richie in a nutshell, and why Sabrina listens to him, too: They all believe there's literally nothing they can do about it. Calling the cops in this town doesn't seem at all effective, and Richie will only get angrier.

Quote #8

A horrible thought came to her, and she got up, stumbling over the kids and the blankets. She opened the door and smelled bacon.

Which meant that her mother was alive. (10.21-22)

How scary is your life if you wake up in the morning and wonder if your mom made it through the night? Just think about that for a minute.

Quote #9

Conversations with her dad were like whiplash; they didn't always hurt right away. (17.81)

Here's another kind of suffering Eleanor experiences: not abuse, but neglect. She was raised by a father who simply didn't care.