Forgotten Fire Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As time passed, I began to know my fellow prisoners by their moans and whispers, and I began to know death by the absence of those sounds. (6.44)

The Armenian prisoners are stripped of their identities during this time because they are no longer in control of their own lives. They get their homes and stuff taken from them, and have to live in horrible conditions—as time wears on, they are no longer individuals, but numbers and bodies in this dark room.

Quote #5

For the first time in my life, I actually hated God. All my life I had felt His hand in all the happiness and good fortune that my family and I had enjoyed, and now I felt betrayed. (12.2)

It's not surprising that Vahan feels this way given what he's been through. He used to find solace in God, but now he just hates the guy. If we look closely though, we'll see that Vahan is really searching for a way of figuring this whole thing out, and finding his place among the shuffle.

Quote #6

I wish I could tell you that I discovered reserves of courage inside myself that I had never suspected, and that I became as last my father's son. But I didn't. (13.1)

Vahan's dad is a big inspiration and motivation for him. He knows that he should be the way his father taught him to act—strong, determined, and proud—yet he has a hard time given his situation. Can you blame him? We think even his dad would see that.