Forgotten Fire Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If I had had an ounce of my father's pride or character, I never would have returned. (17.3)

It's back to the Altoonians' pad for Vahan, but not before a dose of guilt as he imagines what his dad would think. Even in his life-or-death situation, Vahan still uses his dad as a barometer for how he should behave.

Quote #8

I did not know it then, but in their eyes, in the eyes of all Turks, the physically or mentally infirm were friends of God and therefore deserving of such kindness. As long as they believed I could not them or speak a single word, I would be safe. (23.19)

Who knew? Vahan becomes a deaf mute as a way of surviving, but he also finds some comfort in living among the Turkish refugees. He feels at home with them, and begins to question who he is since this is the case.

Quote #9

The name they gave me was Galib, and as the weeks and months past, I became more and more willing to think of myself as Galib, to see the village through Galib's eye and hear only the silence inside myself. (24.6)

Vahan pretends to be Galib—and later a girl—to stay under the radar, but it's not long before he too wonders who he really is. Why does he feel comfortable acting as a deaf and mute guy? How can he live with himself when he lies to people to survive?