How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Nick didn't even want to think about his gene pool for fear of the infection it might contain. (9.236)
As much as we don't want to be like our parents, it can be inevitable. After all, you have their DNA in you, so you are probably much more similar to your father and mother than you'd like to admit. So is it nature or nurture? What does Nick think about it?
Quote #8
Soon there would be no way back from it. It would consume him and he would become his father. (13.173)
Many people say things like this as a joke, but for Nick, becoming his father is serious business. As we learn from Ambrose/future Nick, if Nick turns evil, he will become a Malachai like his father, and the safety of the world will be in danger. That's some serious business.
Quote #9
"You are killing your mother and brother." (15.12)
The bad guys capitalize on Madaug's guilt about hurting his family to lure him to them. Like Nick and his mother, Madaug is fond of his family. It's a trick of dictators and monsters everywhere: if you can't convince someone to do what you want, threaten the safety of those that person loves. It's nasty business, through and through.