How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Alan laughed as he squeezed the trigger. (2.1)
Alan is a bad guy because he takes joy in the violence he commits. When Nick was fighting at school, he didn't seem to enjoy it. That's one thing that makes Nick different from the zombies and the bullies.
Quote #5
The ancient warrior and predator inside him wanted to hunt them down and kill them for what they'd done. (2.213)
The only reason Kyrian doesn't pursue Nick's attackers is that he must rush Nick to the hospital. Does this mean Kyrian is evil? The book casts violent revenge as a Very Bad Thing, and that's exactly what Kyrian is considering here. Or is this all okay because of the fact that Kyrian is avenging someone else?
Quote #6
On the one hand he was horrified the man had been eaten. On the other…he was strangely happy. The sanctimonious pig kind of deserved it. (4.215)
Nick always wanted his school principal gone, so he's glad when the dude gets eaten. That's a violent end for anyone, even someone you don't like, so it's a little shocking that it makes Nick happy. But violence isn't a big deal for him—and that's even before he finds himself needing to fight zombies.