How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I just wish I made enough money that you didn't have to work too. If you'd been at home…" (2.130)
Nick's mom feels very guilty that she can't provide more for her son. Her guilt about being poor is made worse when Nick gets hurt. She thinks he got hurt because he has to work a part-time job; if she had more money, he could just be a kid like the other kids and stay out of trouble.
Quote #8
His jaw went slack as they pulled up to a gate that opened into what had to be the biggest house he'd ever seen. It was a huge Grecian-style home with Doric columns supporting what seemed to be a never-ending porch. Top and bottom. (6.54)
Kyrian is different not only because he's a supernatural creature of sorts, but also because he's crazy rich. Going to his house means that Nick is out of his comfort some in more ways than one.
Quote #9
"Let me put it to you this way…money doesn't solve your problems. It just brings new ones to your door." (6.99)
We're not sure what these problems are that Kyrian has. Sometimes monsters try to kill him, but monsters try to kill Nick, too, and it's a lot harder to deal with monsters when you're poor. Kyrian, at least, can afford better weapons.