How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
He always mispronounced Nick's last name. He said it "Go-chay" instead of the correct "Go-shay." The difference being "Go-chay" traditionally had an "h" in it after the "t" and, as Nick's mom said so often said, they were too poor for any more letters. (1.58)
At least Nick and his mom are able to make jokes about their situation. It makes it a little less difficult to live the way they do when they have a sense of humor about it. Does being poor, in a certain way, make Nick and his mom a little stronger than others?
Quote #5
"Ew! Gross! He's dripping wet. Is he too poor to own a towel? Don't poor people ever bathe?" (1.65)
These poor jokes are cheap. Pardon the pun. Anyway, it just goes to show you how nasty and petty people can be, even about things—like how much money your family has—outside of anyone's control. Speaking of which, why is it that the privileged kids are so nasty?
Quote #6
What would it be like to live that way? He'd always wanted a dog, but since they could barely afford to feed themselves, a pooch was out of the question. (1.129)
Nick's situation is pretty bad. He and his mom don't just have to scrimp and save to be able to afford clothes; sometimes they can't even afford food. That's a terrible situation to be in.