Jumped Passivity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Dirt didn't get any better than this and I had the best seat in the house. (9.10)

Very little gets Leticia moving, but gossip is one of those things. In a flashback to a confrontation between Bea and Jay, Leticia doesn't care that people might be hurt (emotionally or physically). What matters to Leticia is the entertainment value of the conflict. In fact, she adds fuel to the fire. Think about why she might be so passive about her education and active in search of "dirt."

Quote #5

Why do I have to be singled out all eyes on Leticia? (11.12)

Leticia wants to be transferred out of French so that she can sit back and skate by in Spanish. And even though she often wants a front row seat for drama, she doesn't want to be the center of attention in class. What do you think is up with that?

Quote #6

If people minded their business everything would be straight. (13.3)

This is particularly hypocritical because Leticia doesn't mind her own business. In fact, one could argue that she is the opposite of someone who minds their own business.