Jumped Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We have showers but my naked piggies aren't touching those mildew tiles while that hard, rusty water hits my delicate skin. (17.2)

Leticia has some serious holier-than-thou issues. She's too good for French, too good for gym, too good for the showers, too good for exercise. At least we take comfort that her volleyball injury takes her down a notch. Or at least a fancy-schmancy nail.

Quote #8

I need to shake it with a bang. Stomp in double time. Not pose and crash from the top of the pyramid. I'm practically in with the Boosters. And they wear those cute tight sweats with the matching hoodie. Add the stomp/stomp/stomp with the famous Trina shaky-shake and you set off a frenzy. (20.15)

Trina would rather be on the Boosters than the cheerleading squad because the Boosters are more popular. But though Trina thinks she's in with the popular crowd, she isn't—she's "practically" in (that sounds an awful lot like being assistant to the regional manager…). And the Boosters don't always look like they're into her getting up in their business, according to Leticia.

Quote #9

Trina's just jumping, shaking, and stomping. Showing off that "hot chick" plastered on the seat of her pink KMarts without a clue. (22.5)

Leticia is judging Trina not just for trying to enter a social sphere above her own but for her clothes as well. Clothes are a pretty big marker of social spheres, and Leticia definitely looks down on people who aren't as put together as she is.