Jumped Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It's in everyone's eyes. Eager, like how you feel standing outside a party where they're playing the hot dance jam and you can't wait to get inside. Rocking hot excitement. Lotta bright eyes, lotta yeas and unh-hms. (24.1)

Throughout the day, word of the fight spreads and the student body reacts. Check out the words Leticia uses to describe them: "eager," "excitement," and "bright eyes." This is not a place violence is condemned. The students clearly see violent behavior as entertainment.

Quote #8

"OhmyGod, that girl is bleeding and Dominique won't let up. She's messing her up, saying—"

"You see me, b****?"

"You see me, b****?"

"You see my face now, b****?" (33.10-13)

Throughout the day, we see Dominique come back again and again to this idea that she's invisible. Why is it important for Dominique to be visible, for people to see her, and for people to see her? If, throughout the day, Dominique had been seen either physically or emotionally witnessed by friends or teachers, would she have reacted as violently as she did?

Quote #9

"Yeah, nurse, I know. I'm going. Oh. Check it out. This is what she really looks like." (34.13)

When Ivan visits Trina in the hospital, she's all under bandages, hooked up to machines, and in a coma; she has to have reconstructive surgeries. And it all started with a relatively insignificant brush in the hallway. What elements escalated the events of the day to Dominique's violent attack?