Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Leo speaks to me sometimes, but that's about it. Conversation just isn't his thing. If Leo wanted to tell you your house was on fire, he'd probably draw you a picture to let you know. (3.2)

Well, that is why they call him Leo the Silent, right? As far as we can tell from this quote, Leo is the artist in this dynamic duo. That's not the whole story, but it's the story we're getting for now.

Quote #2

Meanwhile, Leo was drawing away like the maniac he is. Every time Stricker mentioned another rule, he scribbled something else on the page in front of him. (5.22)

This is the moment that Leo gives Rafe the idea for his big rule-breaking project—and it's basically through drawing. Of course, we know that Leo's not real, so it's Rafe drawing all this. Leo's like the muse sitting on his shoulder giving him ideas.

Quote #3

The other reason I like Swifty's is that they have Mom's paintings up on the wall for sale. She doesn't have much time to paint these days, since she's always working, but I think she's a really good artist—even if her stuff is kind of weird. (31.4)

So this is where Rafe gets his artistic tendencies from—Mom. Jules Khatchadorian is quite the artist, too, even if her only studio is Swifty's Diner.