Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

What are you like? Inside, what are you like?

Are you basically a pretty good, pretty decent person? Says who? Says you? Says your 'rents? Says your sibs?

Okay, in the spirit of a possible friendship between us—and this is a huge big deal for me—here's another true confession.

This is what I actually looked like when I got to school that first morning of sixth grade.

We still friends, or are you out of here? (1.12-16)

Rafe has trust issues and not many friends, but he wants to trust us—the reader—with the details of his life. Should he? Are we the kind of people he can trust with his secrets? We hope so.

Quote #2

"Listen," Leo told me, "you're never going to be one of those people"— he pointed at all the student council candidates and jocks and cheerleaders sitting on chairs that had been set up on the gym floor. "But this," he said, thumping the rule book with his pen, "this is something you can do." (6.14)

Yup, the popular ship has kind of sailed for Rafe. Leo is right. He's not going to be the cool kid jumping up and down at the pep rally. Maybe it's time to make a name for himself some other way. Hello, Operation R.A.F.E.

Quote #3

I couldn't believe this was all because of me! I kind of felt guilty about it, but it was kind of… amazing. To be honest, only half of that sentence is true. It was more like I knew I should feel bad, but I didn't. (7.6)

For the first time in a really long time, Rafe is feeling good about himself. Something he's done has made him feel good. Excited even. He's liking this new rule-breaking guy.