Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Chapter 76 Summary

Chapter 76

What Happened Next

  • Well, that brings us pretty much up to date on everything that's happened to Rafe.
  • One piece of good news is that Bear has officially moved out. Good riddance to that guy.
  • Another nice thing is that Mom only works during breakfast and lunch at the diner, so she's home for dinner every night.
  • And Jeanne called Rafe after he got expelled just to see how he was, but Rafe told her he probably wasn't coming back to Hills Village in the fall. Sorry, Jeanne. You had your chance, girl.
  • Of course, Rafe is still expelled, and Mom doesn't want him home all day, so he's stuck at the diner doing schoolwork. (Yeah, it's a bummer, but this whole expulsion thing isn't supposed to be fun.)
  • He also spends an hour every day washing dishes and sweeping floors at the diner.
  • At first, Rafe didn't think he was going be able to stand weeks and weeks of doing this every single day while waiting for summer school to start. But then he got a pretty good idea.
  • It was kind of like Operation R.A.F.E….but not as likely to get him in trouble.
  • He decided to write this book.