Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Chapters 16 - 20 Summary

Chapter 16

Thin Ice Is Better Than No Ice at All

  • Obviously, Rafe has to stay after class and talk to Mrs. Donatello.
  • She's pretty impressed by Rafe's rhyme structure and creativity, but she doesn't think his word choice is…appropriate.
  • She gives him a talking to and a warning and then lets the kid go. (Is it just us, or is this Dragon Lady actually pretty nice?)
  • Rafe doesn't hear much of what she said because he's too busy thinking about how awesome he looked in front of everyone in class and how many points he earned towards Operation R.A.F.E.
  • Leo is a genius. It's go big or go home when it comes to breaking the rules.

Chapter 17

New Rule

  • That night, back at home, Rafe and Leo are in Rafe's room when they hear Bear yelling at Georgia for changing the channel on the TV.
  • Rafe hates it when Bear yells at her. Seriously, she's just a kid.
  • Rafe and Leo decide on a new rule for Operation R.A.F.E.—the No-Hurt Rule. The only one who can take a risk is Rafe. If breaking a rule means hurting someone else it's not worth it.
  • After all, Rafe couldn't stand it if he wound up like Bear.

Chapter 18

Teachers Want to Break Me, But I Don't Break

  • Meanwhile, Rafe's racking up the rule-breaking points with all his teachers.
  • He's leaving trash on tables in the cafeteria—15,000 points.
  • He's late to Spanish class—7,500 points.
  • He rides a scooter during gym class—20,000 points—and gets detention—50,000 points.
  • Plus, when Mrs. Stricker calls the house asking to talk to Mom, Rafe accidentally erases the message. Oops…

Chapter 19

Apple Pie & Cinnamon

  • It's Friday night at Rafe's house and he doesn't have much to do.
  • He sneaks some snack food out of the fridge and steals the remote from Bear's sleeping hands, but manages to fall asleep on the couch anyway.
  • He wakes up when Mom comes home from work. Her uniform always smells like apple pie and cinnamon. She takes him to bed and asks if he's seen Leo lately.
  • Rafe really hates to lie. So he doesn't totally lie, he just shakes his head no.
  • Hey, it's not a lie if you're not talking, right?

Chapter 20

Miller the Killer Ruins Detention Day

  • On Wednesday, after school, Rafe has detention, but Miller the Killer has other plans.
  • The bully wants to know if Rafe's trying to make some kind of name for himself in this school.Is he some kind of tough guy? Maybe he'd like to go outside and prove it?
  • Miller needs to chill out.
  • Luckily, Rafe has detention and he books towards the room.
  • But Rafe knows one thing—he can run, but he can't hide forever.