The One and Only Ivan Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

I live here because I am too much human and not enough gorilla. (the exit 8 big top mall.27)

A life in captivity has really diminished Ivan's ability to behave like a gorilla—he has a hard time adjusting to life with other gorillas later on when he gets to the zoo—but is he really too much human? It seems to us that it's more like humans have controlled his life for too long than he's actually too human himself.

Quote #5

I don't do any tricks. Mack says it's enough for me to be me. (the littlest big top.53)

Here Ivan is comparing himself to the other animals who have to do tricks to entertain the crowd. Why isn't it enough for an elephant to be just an elephant?

Quote #6

The glass says you are this and we are that and that is how it will always be. (gone.63)

Ivan lives his life on display for the public behind a sheet of glass. His life, then, is reduced to human entertainment. And since he's the one trapped behind the glass, no wonder he feels like this "is how it will always be."